Thursday, 8 September 2016



This is our day to day problem where we are not getting our college or public bus services at the allotted correct time. So we are facing many problems in managing our routine activities. This problems to the passengers can be rectified by our Iot project “BUSAPP” !

A Smart Bus Tracking System Based on Location
Let us consider a scenario of our KSR college bus service. Sometimes due to some reasons the busses are not arriving to their own stops at the right time.
 The solution for this problem is that, we can fix the GPS to each and every bus of our college. Where the locations are frequently fetched to the IBM cloud service by the use of sensors like LATTITUDE and LONGITUDE sensors through internet.
 Then the data from the cloud that contains the current location of the transport (Bus) can be fetched by the smart phones which have our BUSAPP application.
 Thus the current location of the
college bus can be known by each and every students or faculty and also by our KSR Institution

When it comes to taking the public transportation, time and patience are of essence. In other words, many people using public transport buses have experienced time loss because of waiting at the bus stops. In this paper, we proposed smart bus tracking system that any passenger with a smart phone or mobile device with the QR (Quick Response) code reader can scan QR codes placed at bus stops to view estimated bus arrival times, buses’ current locations, and bus routes on a map. Anyone can access these maps and have the option to sign up to receive free alerts about expected bus arrival times for the interested buses and related routes via SMS and e-mails. We used C4.5 (a statistical classifier) algorithm for the estimation of bus arrival times to minimize the passengers waiting time. GPS (Global Positioning System) and Google Maps are used for navigation and display services, respectively.

The Smart Bus System
The smart bus system (AVL - Automatic Vehicle Location Communication System) is a GPS (Global Positioning System) based management and communication
LTC first employed AVL (sign post) technology in the mid-1990s. Effective 2008, the technology and system was significantly upgraded moving from sign post technology to GPS based technology. Features of the updated system include:
 Automatic “in-vehicle” visual displays of next stop locations
 Automatic “in-vehicle” audio announcements of next stop locations
 Automatic external audio announcements of route name, direction and destination
 Real time service information featuring
 Automatic on-street information signs with real time information for next buses (10 strategic locations)
 Interactive, telephone voice response (IVR) with real time information for next buses and travel planning
 Real time schedule information via LTC’s website (WebWatch)
 Tracking of in-service buses along routes via GPS providing a more accurate tracking of bus locations
 Automatic passenger counters (currently on 80 of 192 buses and all new vehicles will be equipped with the counters) supporting better service planningsupports improved customer service and service delivery through:
 Enhanced monitoring/management of “on-street service” – i.e. service issues, schedule performance etc. supporting improved service to the customer
 Better (current and timely) service planning data – i.e. passenger loads and schedule Performance etc.
 Use of traffic signal priority supporting improved system efficiency which is critical to India’s Bus Rapid Transit strategy
 Customer access to real time service (schedule) information via IVR (accessed 0.4 million times per year), WebWatch (website accessed 5.2 million times per year)
 In-vehicle communication to passengers of route identification, direction and next stop

In this paper, we have presented a smart bus tracking system. It is based on GPS, GSM, QR coding and Google’s map technologies. The proposed system, basically tracks the busses, estimates their arrival times at specific bus stops and informs the users through the mobile application BUSAPP. This system prevents passengers unnecessarily to wait at bus stops and enables them to use their time more efficiently. In the future, we plan to enhance the system with some other estimation tools and statistical analysis. This might be used not only by public users but also by decision makers in the local municipalities. Moreover, since the system is developed with open standards and open sources, it is easily extended with future technologies according to users’ needs.


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